Structural Integration: Working to Resolve Chronic Pain.

Structural Integration is a powerful manual therapy that focuses on resolving chronic, long-term pains and postural dysfunctions. Our bodies naturally grow a strong, fibrous webbing called fascia that keeps our organs, muscles, and cells in place and supports us in everything we do. Much like the grain in wood shows how the tree grew to resist the forces of gravity, so does the grain in our fascial web show how our bodies grew to handle our lives.  The health and balance of the fascial system determines how much our tissue can lengthen and shorten and how effectively it will manage those forces. Over time, injuries, surgeries, and bad habits can grow the fascial web into chronic imbalance, causing disfunction in our movements and leading to chronic pain. Anatomy Trains Structural Integration is a powerful series of bodywork sessions designed to address these imbalances and return the body to ease, comfort, and greater freedom.

In each session we first look at your posture and movement patterns so as to assess how you organize today, how you’ve progressed, and how to further customize that days work. Using deep, slow, fascial manipulation, we continue the unwinding process, melting restrictions and helping you gain greater function, range, and ease. Each session builds on the last, accumulating structural change, awareness, and understanding to the point of learning a new way to live in your own body. A new way that helps the body manage your daily activities more efficiently and takes the pain out of living. The work is profound and the results can be transformative.

I have been practicing Anatomy Trains Structural Integration for over 20 years ( an evolution of Ida Rolfs work by Tom Myers) and have taught it for 13. I am grateful to the giants whose shoulders I stand on, and for this fulfilling art to practice. I look forward to introducing you to the work and learning from your unwinding.

To learn more about Structural Integration, read my article Taking the Pain Out of Chronic Pain.
All sessions are 1.5 hours and cost $190.